
A woman engrossed in email marketing, sits at a desk with a laptop in front of her.

2 min read

How "The Fold" Has Evolved in Email Marketing

Marketing buzzwords come and go, but some stick around longer than others. One such term is ‘the fold’ in email marketing—that invisible line where content gets cut off unless users decide to scroll. But as we navigate an era of responsive design...

illustration of a computer and analytics graphs

3 min read

Bounce Rates: What They Are and How to Improve Them

Bounce rate is a metric that is often discussed without much thought as to what it means to your website or what you can do about it.

5 min read

When to Reposition Your Brand

Your brand position, at its core, is a statement reflecting the perception your desired target audience holds to represent your values, offerings,...

4 min read

When to Pair a Tagline with Your Logo

Your logo is the visual essence of your brand. It's often the first thing your customers see and can significantly shape their perception of your...

4 min read

9 Cyber Monday Emails that Really Work

It's that time of year again! Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. Businesses are trying to figure out how get the most out of...

3 min read

5 SEO Insights From Google's Helpful Content Update

Google has made several big updates to how their search algorithm works over the past two years. However, few updates have created as much panic and...

An illustration of a balance scale weighing two different options.

7 min read

How to Perform a Test of Your Marketing

Does any of the following sound familiar?

5 min read

7 Resort Photography Tips to Drive Bookings

When it comes to hotel marketing, showcasing your property is of utmost importance. Prospective guests not only need to get a sense for the type of...

3 min read

How to Conduct a Year-End Marketing Review

I don't believe I'm alone in saying that each year seems to fly by, and before you know it, we, as marketers, are back in the planning phase,...

5 min read

5 Steps to Creating Successful Sub-Brand Guidelines

As companies grow, they typically evolve into needing sub-brands. A sub-brand is simply a division or subsidiary of an existing brand.