Carol Montoto

Carol has over 19 years of design and advertising experience. Born and raised in Miami, she studied graphic design at the University of Florida and developed her digital marketing experience for 11 years at SapientNitro. She led creative teams on retainer clients throughout her time there, including Jeep, Dodge, Travelers Insurance, KeyBank, and Seagram's Ginger Ale. In 2013, she joined our team to lead the creative department in producing original, award-winning work on several across several accounts.

4 min read

The 7 Best Tips for Creatives to Follow When Starting a Project

I recently mentored a graphic design student on her project for AIGA Orlando's Spot Showcasementorship program. I found myself providing guidance that may come as second nature to someone in Advertising for over a decade, but could be quite...

4 min read

9 Cyber Monday Emails that Really Work

It's that time of year again! Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. Businesses are trying to figure out how get the most out of...

5 min read

5 Steps to Creating Successful Sub-Brand Guidelines

As companies grow, they typically evolve into needing sub-brands. A sub-brand is simply a division or subsidiary of an existing brand.

Mighty Roar | Digital Agency | Logo | Atlanta

2 min read

Introducing Mighty Roar's New Look

Today we are proud to launch a new logo for Mighty Roar, and wanted to provide context as to why we decided to evolve the look and feel of our brand.

creative portfolio tips to help you stand out when applying to digital agencies | mighty roar

3 min read

5 Creative Portfolio Tips to Help You Stand Out

Recently, I was invited back to participate in the creative portfolio review at the annual Adobe Creative Jam. The focus of the portfolios varied...