
social strategy for home improvement brand | digital agency | mighty roar

3 min read

Optimizing Social Strategy for Home Improvement Brands

While display ads and pre-roll video are as important as ever for home improvement brands, even the least “selfie-worthy” product line needs a consistently engaging social media presence. Fortunately, both sponsored and organic posts offer a...

How to Select Brand Architecture Marketing Digital Agency Mighty Roar

3 min read

How to Choose a Brand Architecture

Most organizations operate multiple brands. Sometimes this is due to a merger or acquisition, while other times it is by design within the marketing...

Customer Segmentation and Persona Development | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Customer Segmentation and Persona Development

For some marketing teams, segmentation is seen as a dirty word. Brand managers may see their product or service as having universal appeal and may be...

How to Maintain SEO Traffic with a New Website | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

4 min read

How to Maintain SEO Traffic with a New Website

The decision to update your website is a big one, but in today’s digitally focused world, having an outdated website can negatively impact your...

creative portfolio tips to help you stand out when applying to digital agencies | mighty roar

3 min read

5 Creative Portfolio Tips to Help You Stand Out

Recently, I was invited back to participate in the creative portfolio review at the annual Adobe Creative Jam. The focus of the portfolios varied...

challenger brand marketing | digital agency | mighty roar

3 min read

Challenger Brand Marketing

There used to be a saying that “nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM,” which meant that, groupthink, or doing the same thing your competitors were...

home improvement marketing | value of video | digital agency | mighty roar

3 min read

Home Improvement Marketing: The Value of Video [Statistics]

DIY Home Improvement projects are more accessible than ever, and that accessibility is driven by the most significant change in consumer behavior in...

How to Calculate Customer Churn Rate | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

2 min read

How to Calculate Customer Churn Rate

In marketing, we spend a lot of time trying to attract new customers, but it’s also important to know how many customers you may be losing. So, in...

1 min read

Introduction to Mighty Roar Podcast

In the course of running an advertising agency, we have so many great conversations with other agency owners, chief marketing officers, and marketing...

how to calculate the profit from your marketing promotions | digital agency | mighty roar

2 min read

How to Calculate the Profit from Your Promotions

In this post, we're gonna look at promotion profit. Many of our clients run promotions throughout the year that jumpstart sales during key periods.