
Strategy (3)

Consumer Decision Journey Mapping | How To | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

5 min read

Consumer Decision Journey Mapping

Regardless of your industry or brand, every marketer shares the same fundamental goal: to reach consumers at key moments when your marketing message...

Qualitative Research | Quantitative Research | Marketing Research | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

6 min read

Qualitative and Quantitative Marketing Research Methods

Some researchers take a hard approach to data, either falling squarely on the side of the numbers (quantitative data) or on the other side, one of...

9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials | Digital Agency | Mighty Roar

2 min read

9 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

Every generation requires a shift in how brands target and research their audience. However, none more so than the Millennial generation.

2 min read

Cross-Selling & Up-Selling

To some, the differences between cross-selling and up-selling may seem hazy, as both strategies do share some similarities. However, the following...